
A Perfect Fit for Homeschool Students

At Kuyper College, we understand that homeschooled families have unique educational needs.  That is why we offer a college experience that is tailored to your family's needs, with a focus on hands-on experience and Christian values.

Kuyper provides a biblical core in all that we do to prepare you for life, and a Christian community to support you.

And, did we mention that Kuyper is an extremely affordable value? Through KuyperWorks, you will be guaranteed a job while at Kuyper that will significantly reduce your tuition costs.

Read more below!

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Ministry + Bible

Be Ready to Serve 

and Make a Difference

Ministry leadership is built on the Bible and Theology core and provides a strong set of skills and competencies. 

It prepares students to successfully meet the demands of today’s expanding and changing ministry environments. 

Throughout the program, classroom learning is combined with real-life ministry experience, including practicum experiences and an internship.

Reduce Time

Accelerated Ministry Leadership Program Reduces Seminary Time

Kuyper College’s consortium with Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary (GRTS) shortens time at seminary. It allows ministry leadership students to complete studies at both institutions in a reduced time frame—saving time and money. Students receive two degrees, a B.S. from Kuyper College and an M.Div. from CTS or GRTS.





​<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Isaac Riddle&nbsp;</span>
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The faculty at Kuyper created in me a heart for learning, education and ministry that I didn’t even know was possible to have.
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- Isaac Riddle 

New Era, Michigan





​<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Kristyn DeNooyer</span>
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Kuyper’s commitment to affordability quite literally made my undergraduate degree possible.
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- Kristyn DeNooyer

CEO, Olive & Root Communications

​<span style="color: rgb(33, 33, 33); font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;">Christianna Ransom</span>
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My years at Kuyper have been some of the best years of my life.  I have met some of my best friends here.
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- Christianna Ransom

Venue Specialist at Port 393